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Gauliga Elsass (1941)

host country of the tournament
DEU [male]
end date: 1941-06-30
type: League
tier: 2
class: LOCAL

final ranking

club levelTeamPo
FC Mülhausen1
RSC Straßburg2
DebutSC Schiltigheim3
SpVgg Kolmar4
DebutSG SS Straßburg5
DebutSV Wittenheim6
DebutFC Kolmar7
DebutFC Hagenau8
DebutASV Mülhausen9
DebutMars Bischheim10
DebutSV Schlettstadt11
Straßburger SV12
DebutSpVgg Dornach13
DebutSV Wittelsheim14
DebutFC Bischweiler15
DebutFC Sankt-Ludwig16
club levelTeamPo

* Tournament level, club level and world position are pre-tournament data.