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Gauliga Böhmen-Mähren (1944)

host country of the tournament
DEU [male]
end date: 1944-06-30
type: League
tier: 2
class: LOCAL

final ranking

club levelTeamPo
MSV Brünn (368) 1
LSV Prag-Gbell2
NSTG Budweis3
DebutMSV Kremsier3
DebutSG Prag5
DebutMSV Olmütz5
DebutSG Studentenkompanie Prag7
DebutMSV Mährisch Weißkirchen7
DebutLSV Königgrätz9
LSV Boelcke Prossnitz9
DebutLSV Pardubitz11
NSTG Troppau11
NSTG Jägerndorf13
DSV Brünn14
club levelTeamPo

* Tournament level, club level and world position are pre-tournament data.